Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lab5.. Take two

So I know we're supposed to post lab 6 by now but surprise! I'm still in lab 5. Had some major difficulties with the buttons and wasn't paying enough attention so the map shifts a little in the last frame of the movie. But anyway, this is it so far. 

The buttons still don't work like they're supposed to. What's really weird is that you can only choose the date buttons (such as August25) when the movie is stopped in the beginning and not while the movie is playing. 

I've been working on this map on a 20" screen and when I'm trying to load it up on a 17" screen it is just too big. :( 

Something positive about the map? I actually like the basemap. It took a loooong time to "re-draw" all the country boundaries and I wish I had changed it to represent what Europe looked like in 1941. I like my caret and I think the flags are good representations of German troops. 

Off to lab #6..

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